
My immersion in Peiresc while at the same time developing the idea of BGC as a research institute--itself built on my post-doctoral experiences as a fellow at Clare Hall, Cambridge, the Warburg Institute, the University of Chicago, and the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin--led me to begin thinking about the history of research, and of research institutes. The next stage of my thinking about this subject is represented in an edited volume of conversations about research with artists, humanists and scientists. All along, the idea was to convene a large group of scholars to mark out the ground plan for what a full-scale topical exploration could look like. I also plan short book explaining the subject-worthiness of research.


“Forschungsinstitute Then and Now,” Intuition und Institution. Kursbuch Horst Bredekamp, eds., Carolin Behrmann, Stefan Trinks, Matthias Bruhn. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2013, 113-18

Global Shapes of Knowledge: Towards a History of Research. A Conference on 3-5 November at the Institute for the Formation of Knowledge at The University of Chicago. Conference description

What is Research? BGC X-Books, 2021